Events & calendar

We will add all important dates to this St Bridget's Pre-school Google calendar, so this website will always show the most up to date information.  


If you have a Google account you can add our calendar to any of your mobile devices. Click on the "+Google Calendar" box at the bottom right of the embedded calendar below to add it to your displayed calendars, and the events should show up right alongside your own schedule.


Last week of the year, 2019-20

The last part of the 2019-20 year has of course been very strange, and although we were sad not to be able to have all of our children in with us, we have had a very special time with those who were.

circle time circle time circle time tell me your news snack time full of beans full of beans Last day pupils under rainbow balloon arch pirate pirate crafting picnic blanket half pipe half pipe cosmic yoga lads garden lads lads lads

Annual General Meeting/Social

The Annual General Meeting took place online for 2020. We hope to re-establish the combined AGM/Social event for next time!